RLM – BBC DIY SOS – The Big Build

RLM – BBC DIY SOS – The Big Build

DIY SOS relies on the generosity and support of the local community to transform the lives of those who desperately need their help. The show recently helped a North Shields family who’s three year old daughter has a rare genetic condition, CHARGE syndrome.

Evelyn was in intensive care right after her birth, when doctors discovered a hole in her heart. She requires 24 hour care as she is unable to sit unaided and is registered blind. At night, she needs to be hooked up to a dialysis machine as her condition has left her with chronic kidney failure. Her mother is now a full-time carer, and her two other young daughters, Isabelle (10) and Anna (5), also help out with Evelyn’s care, despite still being in primary school.

Evelyn’s room was too small for her medical equipment, a hoist or adapted bed. The 9 day project includes adding an extension to the home to accommodate Evelyn’s needs as she grows and develops. RLM offered to help DIY SOS and provide our products and services to the family. Its been an amazing project to be part of, our team worked alongside a variety of trades and helpers to give the family a home that suits their needs.

From day one on site there has been a mix of emotions and everyone on site had their own reasons for why they offered to help the family. It’s been fantastic seeing the whole community come together to give this family the home they desperately need.

We aren’t allowed to say to much more until the program has been on air, but please keep an eye out for updates and further information for when it will be expected to be on TV.

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